Civil Rights Paper Company Boycott

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Civil Rights Paper Company Boycott




In 1965, the national civil rights organization, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee urged universities to boycott the Hammermill Paper Company because of their decision to build a paper mill in Selma, Alabama. At this time, Martin Luther King Jr. was calling for a national boycott of Alabama products in order to pressure the state into integration. With pressure from students to join the boycott, Vice President Zeller corresponded with Hammermill's president in an attempt to resolve the boycott situation and reassure students.


Christian Association records





Items in the Civil Rights Paper Company Boycott Collection

Letter to Hammermill Paper Company President
In this official university correspondence from March 26, 1965, John F. Zeller (1919-2010) (‘41; Vice President of Bucknell from 1955-1984; Interim President of Bucknell in 1984) writes to Hammermill to alert their President about Bucknell’s…

Hammermill Paper Company Response
In this official university correspondence from March 29, 1965, Hammermill Paper Company writes in response to John F. Zeller (1919-2010) (‘41; Vice President of Bucknell from 1955-1984; Interim President of Bucknell in 1984) in gratitude for…